NaturalPATH Medical and Dr. Orona are a fee-for-time and fee-for-service medical clinic. This does not apply to in-network Cigna patients. This means that the service you are provided is billed for the time spent with Dr. Orona and also by Dr. Orona to complete charting associated with that visit. Appointments are allotted 45 minutes; however, it will be billed based on the time Dr. Orona spends with the patient, reviewing records, and completing charting.
45 minutes
46-60 minutes
+ additional time
$75.00 (per 15 min over)
45 minutes
46-60 minutes
+ additional time
(per 15 minutes over)
5-10 minutes
11-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46-60 minutes
+ additional time
in office
telemedicine (zoom)
(per 15 min
5-10 minutes
11-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46-60 minutes
+ additional time
(per 15 min
5-10 minutes
11-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46-60 minutes
+ additional time
(per 15 min
*Telemedicine visits discounted for 31-60 minutes
Cigna Patients will be billed according to contract for time and complexity of case.
Preventative Codes when appropriate for annual exams:
Charges for services if completed outside of billed office visit $25 per 5 minutes (see Financial Policy and Fee Schedule for details):